weather man said it was gonna be BAD weather this morning, ice storm and high winds, so I slept in. woke up and it was calm and no ice. schitt, I coulda gone hunting. so I took the gal and went to menards for their weekend specials. got a few boxes of tile, a new crapper and granite vanity. guess who is remodeling a bathroom this weekend? I told her tomorrow we're going hunting and she was all for it. gonna be a late night tonight workin on the bathroom. she hates using the one in the basement, so I need to get this one up and running quick. I better get back before she realises I left her to tear out the old flooring while I was talking to you guys smile good luck chickenbuckers, tomorrow is our last rifle day, the 1st is smokepole time!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.