Thanks Dave,

Deb was "vibrating", when I got there !!

I got a text, when I was in the grocery store.

"I've got 2 does coming in".

5 mins later, I'm at the checkout & next text comes in.

"I just let her have it". "think the shot was good". "should I go look for the arrow".

I text back, give her 20 mins & then go see if you can find the arrow. I leaving now & should be home about then.

Next text - I'm 2 mins from home.

"found arrow, covered in bright red blood".

I'm home now, run in the house, change clothes, kick the 3 legged dog & fire up the wheeler & head out.

When I reach Deb, I get the biggest, strongest hug possible & am then handed the "bloody" arrow". I check, smile, kiss her & say, "lets go find your deer.

Super cool evening !


She's still smiling & trying to provoke her lady friends, by posting on facebook !




"Kids who grow up hunting, fishing & trapping, do not mug little old Ladies"