yes pellet guns will be part of it. I may be able to get the pellet guns from 4H. working on that.

Charlie, did you hear that thump? that was me fainting when I read 2,000 kids. I want a lot of kids, but 2,000 our first year is prolly too much. I would like to do the Tshirt thing too, but $$ may inhibit that. I have 2 conservation orgs (Viking Sportsmen and Douglas County Pheasants Forever) that are putting this on. Depends how much $$ they can float for the Tshirt thing. anyone who wants to help is more than welcome. I have been making a list with all of these really good ideas.

I was thinking about a couple of other activities:

How to shoot a Tree (Tzone will run this one)
Mice are your friends (Ryan)
The art of determining the manufacturer of your gun (Gopher)
Harvesting grouse with a beer bottle (Dave)
Loving the MN Vikings (Bill)

I am sure there are a few more ideas like this out there!

Thanks guys!

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.