I remember that top pic Tom, if it's the day I'm thinking of, didn't Missy fall in the swamp and almost spill her beer? smile

Chickenbuck welcomed me in while I was in need of a home away from home. I was in college, just out of the Navy. I had a 5 month old and was miserable in my marriage. Dave invited me up to LOW for a fishing excursion. even though I broke one of his favorite rods, he invited me back up for hunting and berry picking. I honestly don't know how I would have made it back then without the support of ma and pa chickenbuck. I don't even think they know how much good they did for me and my soul. they hold a special place in my heart and I hope they can make it out here sometime so I can return the favor in being the host.

We are in the same boat. snowglobe sums it up nicely. we're trying to get our house on the market so we can upgrade to something bigger, 10 hours a day at work, then soccer practice and make supper while mama does homework (last class thankfully), try to work on house projects after. both of us unhappy with our jobs in one way or another in a small town that is a little....off we'll say. planning the wedding for july and still trying to stay sane with it all. and that doesn't include personal stuff thrown on top of it.
Is it hunting season yet? Dave, you coming this year?

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.