Originally Posted by tzone
Turn the boy loose. He's gotta learn to track sometime.

He will learn to track but first he needs to be prepared and as confident as possible that when the moment of truth arrives, he can hit vitals every time.
This comes only through lots and LOTS of practice. He owe's that to the animal and to himself.

There are so many variables (bow canter, form, muscle fatigue, different POI at different angles etc.)in bowhunting that can cause a poor or misplaced shot. This usually leads to a hunter standing at the end of a blood trail with that gut wrenching realization that you're just not going to find your deer. It happens. I just want to limit the chances of it happening to him so early on.

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...