Stan great to hear your doing better. Bill sounds like the kind of friend we all hope to have.

This year is my daughters 1st year deer hunting.

She went thru all the gear the other and was digging things out picking out her knife, hat, flashlight, etc. Then she found my grandfathers old red and black wool hunting pants.

These are the kind that lace up the calves and with suspenders.

Well my grandfather was a big guy and it was hysterical watching her try them on.

It is such a pleasure watching her use things that were passed down so I know someone will you give the same feeling when you pass along that rifle.

A while back I picked up Ruger UL in .257 bob for her to use well the stock was just a tad long for her. She told me that she did not want to cut the stock as the wood was to pretty and that she would wait until she was bigger to use it. Of course I could not put off waiting.

Went out and found a NIB Remmy 700 ADL in .243 youth synthetic for her and she is all gung ho to do some deer whackage.

I have gained much more from getting my kids into hunting and the outdoors then from actually doing it.