Sorry to hear about your uncle Dave, if you looked up to him, I'd wager he was quite a man.

Thanks Justin, I love me some elk.

I just got word a bit ago my mom shot a 4 point (8 pointer to you eastern types) whitetail tonight with her bow. she sent me a pic, looks to be a nice 2 y/o buck. her first bow kill and dad said it was probably 5 yards when he got out there and walked it off (yes she was hunting alone). she called me moments after she shot and sounded like she was on an adrenaline rush you wouldn't believe. to say she was stoked is an understatement. perfect double lung shot, I'm sure proud of my mom! I'll get a pic up here in the morning, headed to bed now.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.