Well my season got goofy in a hurry! My BIL who usually hunts with us, backed out of hunting with us in MN. It kinda goofed up our plans a bit but we'll make the best of it. I'm not sure about camping in MN yet, but we well be bringing the tent over to WI to use for the 9-day gun season there.

I was also drawn for a special permit hunt in a park across the road from my house. I thought the meeting was last night. As I sat at the locked gate in my truck at the meeting site, I was wondering why nobody was coming to unlock the gate to the building. So, I checked my email and saw the meeting was on Tuesday, not Thursday. CRAP! So, I emailed the two directors and they quickly responded that my spot was given away since I was a "no-show." Double crap! I was counting on that as my doe for the freezer. I'm really irritated with myself for screwing that up. I'm usually pretty good about that stuff, but too much work and not enough play got the best of me on that deal I think.

Camp is where you make it.