Originally Posted by Colorado1135
right you are stan, I have facebook and usually check my notifications to who sent me a message, or wrote on my wall. as for the "news" thing that tells everyone what so-and so is doing, its easy to ignore. and if you're bored you can kill some time by reading what people are up to. I usually block the news feeds from the people who update it every hour with "taking a nap" or "shower time" or "its movie night" that kinda stuff gets old, but you can choose to hide those from the ones who do it all the time.

facebook aint gay. its helped me reconnect with lots of old Navy buddies I would have lost touch with forever otherwise.

That pretty much hits it on the head. Those that post the crap every hour about their dog peeing, went for a walk, baby is sleeping etc. is the GAY part of facebook. Their posts get hidden from me.

The people that want to be your friend just because you passed them once in the hall in grade school is gay too. If you accept them, their posts are pretty much meaningless to you. You didn't know them then and you don't know them now. They "friend" you just to get their friend count up.

But like Ryan and Stan said, if managed properly its a good way to keep in touch with actual old friends and family members that you would never talk to otherwise.

So IMO its 60 percent gay and 40 percent worthwhile.

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...