Well the first weekend is in the books in Central Minnesota. The short version? A funny story and Brother Brian shot a nice buck.

The more detailed version? We will start with the funny story (at my expense). Opening morning I sat in my "money" stand. I always see a dozen or more deer and pass on a few small bucks, at a minimum. Not this year. at 10 am, I had to really pee and hadnt seen a deer. Decided to wait a while longer. At 1030, I cant stand it anymore and look all around. no deer. Stand up, put my gun on the holder, dig out the gatorade bottle....now is a good time to let everyone know that it takes somewhere around 30-40 seconds to pee. I know, i have since timed a few.

I had been in the stand for 4 hours or 240 minutes. Now as I am peeing, I am filling up the bottle and it starts to make that gurgling sound. I think to myself, that is too loud, it will scare a deer! My next thought, approximately half a second later, is that no way would a deer have the timing to show up now...mathematically it is about 1 in 500 odds. before this thought is finished, I hear a deer stomp and snort behind me. Yes, at the 15-20 second mark in my journey, a doe is standing in my lane watching an orange blob make gurgling sounds up in a tree!

Luckily, I wasnt after a doe at this point in time and let her go. I didnt however, appreciate the amused smirk she had on her face at all. View from that stand....the doe was in the lane to the left.

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My brother Brain was reading a book at 130 pm. Heard a step behind him. Peeked back over his right shoulder and a buck was walking right at him 20 yards away. I am kinda proud of him for his next move...which was not moving at all. he didnt move a muscle and let that buck walk right by him at 8 yards. Once it was about 20 yards out in front of him, he put up his gun and dropped the hammer on it!

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I switched stands and saw some does, fawns and one little buck, but didnt see anything I wanted to shoot (yet, come next weekend, does are gonna be in the line of fire!). They get right up on you in this stand that is for sure. You gotta use your ears for a slight whisper of grass against their body.

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I did get the little boy out, but hunting is hard work!
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What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.