Originally Posted by Colorado1135
remember the snow storm we had a week ago? well I saw the effects today. estimates are cattle losses of 10-20K in western SD. I saw thousands today while I was working with crews to clear dead cows from the ditches. we didn't even try to clear pastures, there were too many. 25% of the western SD cow herd is gone. some families had a 100% loss, many over 200 head of cows in a single pasture. it sickened me to see it, I broke down when I got home. there is a fund set up, I don't have a link, but if you want to contribute it won't be hard to find. I know some of the affected families, and these are good people, so if anyone or everyone could send a prayer their way, it would mean lots.

I met with a gentleman today, he has a friend who has lost over 500, they were cow/calf pairs. I asked him how a rancher recovers from something like this, he said insurance may pay for half of what they lost, but they will more than likely have to start over, with half of what they had.