With all this talk of aging and recovery I thought I'd weigh in...lol. Last week while trying to go a little too fast I tumbled off the top step of the backhoe...and hit every step on the way down. At first i thought my hip was broke 'cause my leg went numb but its just bruised. I have a spectacular purple ass and hurt from head to toe but it will pass. Mama on the other hand had to try to outdo me on the weekend. While walking down a sidewalk in a pair of heels she dropped one in an expansion crack and twisted and broke her foot in a couple of places. Good news....they got the bone back in place without pins and surgery. Bad news...I have lost my first mate for the heart of the walleye season. Worse news...her disposition is that of a grizzly with a toothache. I need to get an add out right away....Female First Mate wanted, blond or redhead preffered. Must be friendly, charming,look respectable in bathing suit and not be afraid to smell like fish. I expect to be a long recovery...and a long search....

We eat organic in our house, we just have to shoot and gut it first.....