Looking good guys.

Me any my BIL spent the day up north on the new iron range spot. We grabbed the trail cams I put out a few weeks ago, checked on a beaver bog set up that rocks, and scouted the heck out of new clear cut that is at least a section in size.

About 4pm he jumped up on a stump in the cut and said "there's a deer looking at me." I climbed up on the stump and glassed it and said "it's a buck." He looked like a basket 6, possibly a fork.

We also jumped a doe and tonight discovered we were about 3 minutes behind her on the trail cam too. Kinda neat.

I'll post pics tomorrow after I get them all loaded.

I'm also becoming a big fan on the Primos Truth Cam 46. The picture quality is great!

Camp is where you make it.