
My friend first of all Thankyou for the laugh I needed that today when I was at the office..

Now that I'm back I can say Dude you is officially stuck! Before I start with help on how to get unstuck don't think I'm being a smartelic I've been there..

Now on to the out first and foremost question did you lock in the positive pedal lock so ALL 4 wheels turn and not just one in front and back from normal 4by4? Many people don't even know this feature exist.. It locks ALL 4 in... Now if ya have a Handyman jack your gonna need it to act like a cumalong and bring lots of chains or cables attach to a tree or fence post. You drive the steel fencepost were needed DEEP and hook low on it, they pull alot too. More then one if needed and move as needed. Before I did any real pulling I'd unhook the mower and use the chains and cables to get it later.

Raise the tractor tires on the front with the loader and make a path under each tire with firewood for awhile maybe twice the length of the tractor it would help too.

Sorry dude you got your work cut out for ya.... Keep us posted on the outcome and tell Mrs.NDave it would be cool to get pics of the trials and error of getting unstuck, I have a pic of a Bronco in hood deep water and it reminds me to stay out of places like that...lol Good Luck!!!