I'm back. grin

Had a blast. The most fun I've had in a camp ever. period. end of story. The shooting was a little slim, because deer sighting were slim.

A HUGE thanks to Dave, Pam, and gang for letting me be part of their camp for the weekend. I really appreciate it.

Uncle Dusty and Muffy were a riot, and great camp members. Muffy kept us all fat with some awesome baking. PWM is as cool in person as he is in the stories. RWS, is a great hunter for being 12yrs old. Weezy kept me entertained, with driving stories, Jolly Ranchers, and Phat Phill. smile

I'm tired so I'll try to be quick. Dave, PWM, and I took a walk yesterday, and saw a doe, but didn't connect. I sat the evening with PWM, and we saw a fawn run through after some VERY close shooting, but I didn't want to shoot a fawn.

I sat in Ryan's stand this am, and talked dirty with a buck for a few hours, but the wind was from me to him and he wouldn't poke his head out. frown

I'll post some pictures tomorrow, including an interesting single car accident I came up on, on the Red Lake Indian Rez.

I had a great time, and hope you guys get to lay the wood to a few deer yet this season.

Camp is where you make it.