I'm back,

Happy belated birthday Weezie!

We ended up 4 for 6, all bucks. A 4, 6, 7 and 8 point. The 7 pointer was an old guy and had a 17" inside spread. The G2's measured 14".

I didn't get a buck, but did see a number of does.

We saw a total of 47 deer, 14 confirmed bucks.

We had snow on the ground for the entire season and picked up about 3" of new snow while in camp. Daytime Temps were in the mid 30's when we arrived on the 18th and dropped to 11 by Saturday. The lowest nightime temp was 2 above. We went through a bunch of wood this year.

We had a great season and from what I've been told so far is that we did much better then most groups in our area.

This years "Oh S#@T" moment goes to yours truely. I was in the cabin having lunch when there was a knock on the door. The landowner to our South stopped by for lunch and to tell me that he had come past my blind around 11:30 (I left at 11:00) to say hi. When he got there I was gone, but there was a spike buck standing about 60 yards away so he shot it. All I could do was laugh and congradulate him.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except for bears. Bears kill you.