Well I've got no pictures today because things really haven't changed shape that much. I took my oldest boy out there last night & we just did a lot of misc tasks. We drove a bunch of screws in the floor were we were lacking some, went around the outside with the nail gun & nailed the corners good, drove some screws in the bottom plate, screwed the rafter heals down along the west eve, ... stuff like that.

Then we lit some charcoal, grilled a few burgers & sat down & ate in our future kitchen area.

Tonight I'll work on preparing the ceiling for sheeting. We'll be nailing some lateral bracing up in the rafters, then stapling some plastic to the ceiling from the inside of the cabin, then sheeting the ceiling with OSB. Thinking I'll maybe pick up some ring shank sheeting nails for the nailer for that. Then we'll blow in the insulation in the ceiling.

lots of fresh deer tracks out there, mornings are cooler... the hunting bug is starting to get me. Small game & deer archery will be open in less than a month!!

Something clever here.