Well guys, nate and I made it in to the cabin, it was rough going trying to plow a path in here though. It's about 1 mile if trail we plow and the plan is always to bust the first path in here then light the wood stove and go widen out the path by making a few more passes winging out the snow with the plow. Well we fell into a mud hole and got stuck for a bit. Like for an hour and a half. We wrapped a log chain around one tire that was slipping badn we had a corner of the plow blade hooked in a rock that the devil designed for us on this night I swear. Anywaysn we drove the truck out of that hole and now we are heating up the cabin with the wood stove. Temp was 16 in the cabin when we got here. Up to 42 now. Its 3 below zero outside. Lots of fresh deer tracks, LOTS! It was snowing today so these tracks are fresh.

A quick question for my womens at home... Who poured frilly girly perfume inside my brown cloth insulated gloves? You scoundrels! My hands smell like the perfume dept at... At where ever you buy this crap lol!

Something clever here.