Originally Posted by Colorado1135
start a movement to eliminate the shotgun zone, could be easy considering other states have done it. smile

BUT since you're in MN it could be hard to reverse/change ANY gun statute/rule.

then you can hunt away with a 99 smile

That topic is far too hot.

And actually for good reasons.

The shotgun hunters have their own style of hunting. I'm not going to paint it in a poor light, it's just different than rifle hunting. Lots of drives, lots of shooting, lots of elevation (arc).

Lots of open country too.

Too many folks get terribly riled at the idea of rifles being used vs shotguns. Mostly I think because they picture the rifle going through the same motions, hunting technique stays exactly the same, just rifles instead of shotguns. And those rifles are far too deadly for the slug lobbers.

They can't seem to picture a hunting technique that matches the weapon. Locked into their practices.

You couldn't pay me enough to hunt shotgun slug country and for a lot of shotgun slug hunters, you couldn't pay them enough to hunt in rifle country.

Something clever here.