Nice pics and great story of life to boot. Brings back memories of our hunting camp in the Adirondacks. Five buddies life long friends. We bought a 20x16 wall tent with a large barrel wood stove. Eleven miles back in the woods and on State property so we could not build a sweet cabin like yours, but boy we lived good up in the mountains. Good food,cold beer, warm tent, things and friends that made each other laugh. Great times, great stories, we will never forget. But lifes path sometimes brings us apart for awhile. Each of us are now married with lots of kids and many other responsibilities. Keeps friends apart for periods of time. But now we are walking the same road, kids are older, jobs winding down, more time with the people we cherish. Hunting season is almost here and my good buddy John has built a cabin on his own property in the mountains, and now dates are set. A reunion of the old hunting club. Can`t wait.Thanks for stirring up the memories...

Footsteps in the sand he held me in his hand,and in the other he held a Savage. Truly this must be Heaven!