Alright, I had to go to Denver for work last week and was sick yesterday so I had some catchin' up to do. Luckily, I did get Dave's email addy and can start posting that in bathroom stalls wherever I go. wink

All this talk of boats is killing me. I have the 115 Yammy 4 stroke and LOVE IT. Highly recommend it. I am also a big fan of Alumacraft for what it is worth.

The twins turned 1 and we celebrated by giving them a big piece of chocolate cake. I will try and post pictures of them; pretty cute all covered in chocolate.

The basement is about 99.8% done! Wahooo! Now to sell it so I can move closer to Camp Chickenbuck....well I will still be 4 hours away I s'pose.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.