Nice Job Ryan! I was wondering about the ring as soon as I saw it. That is really, really cool. Nice looking kids too.

Just so we are clear on the pontoon thing, I aint getting a pontoon if it was brand spanking new and free! I did watch that video with the 3-300 HP Mercs. That guy has a death wish. 100 mph is too much for that hull/pontoon design methinks. He hit just a couple of tiny waves and it looked pretty squirrely.

Nice buck there Ryan. Really nice. I have 2 dandy bucks on my trail cam. One (we named him LaCarpetron Dookmarriot) is for sure a little smaller than yours and I think the other one (Stickers) is too (but I havent gotten him since June 1 so I dont know how big he is now).

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.