Today is a landmark calendar day. Today marks 5 years since we lost our dearly missed Waylon.

This weekend on Sunday he would have turned 42.

This week swings around once a year. We think of him so often, but these annual landmarks in time bring an intensified focus on our lost friends and family members.

I�ve written so many words on this topic in previous years, I�d like to deliver a shorter expression or message this year.

I guess I�m just celebrating what we had and what we still have because of him. Specifically his 3 wonderful children, what wonderful young people they all are. And of course we have the memories as well, mostly funny, lots of happy stuff.

Hoist a glass when it�s appropriate today if you care to join me in celebrating the life of a great man and a dearly missed friend.

We sure miss you buddy, and we�ll never forget you.

Something clever here.