that figures. now it will blow all that stuff back in!

I had a couple errands to run today, I was glad I put on my hooded sweatshirt, I woulda got chilly in just a Tee.
at least the sun was out and the wind was nil, saw water running down the edge of the street, went and investigated and it was just the municipal company flushing out a fitting or something. in the afternoon it warmed up, I threw an antler for the new pup to fetch, he sure liked that. foolishly I wore just a Tee shirt and was chased back inside by the cold after 10 minutes. I wish spring would just get here already. Hope ya'll north and east of me are staying warm tonight. made some chicken noodle soup and got caught up with "the walking dead".

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.