good stuff indeed!!

Well, just got off the phone with one of our new hunting party members , (we're all new to the party, even me)

My uncle attended "the boy's" highschool football game tonight & they won (which I understand is an understatement) they won like heck.

So.. they progress in the playoffs!! Wooooo!

Way to go boy!!

They have a game on saturday night which will alter some deer stand building plans we have (alter, not cancel) We'll get the stands out that need to be out, shouldn't be a problem. I'm considering taking the weekend off from hunting shack chores & taking in a football game saturday night.

Heck I need to get down that way to pick up some lumber & do some overdue visiting now that I think of it anyways.

maybe I'll take a day off next week to finish up some of the final "chores" out at the shack.


Something clever here.