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like this one from last sunday afternoon?

I walked out to the tree I was going to sit at and this guy blew out of a small stand of cedars, down the ravine and half way up the other side. he stopped to look back, I had him in my sights when he stopped. pulled the trigger and *click*. crap, forgot to put a round in when I got out of the truck, rookie move. I cycle the bolt and he turns his head about to leave. all I had was the top of his neck and his head to shoot at without ruining a bunch of meat, so I put on the base of his head and hit a 1/2" high square between the base of his ears, down he goes like a sack of spuds. it would be a great hide to tan, no holes! but it means I'm done deer hunting for a week and a half til muzzleloader season. good luck to all those still chasing deers!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.