well now I learned something today. you can put a sling on a double. That way they make great canoe paddles! whistle

now pumpguns on the other hand, they make great duck boat paddles. or if'n your road needs leveling (ND, are you paying attention here????) you can drag one behind the truck to level it out.

I tell ya what, I have swung a fair amount of doubles, mostly O/Us, and I havent found one yet I think swings better for me than my auto (uh,a Beretta for those of you slow on the uptake). grin

Brent, where I hunt roosters is as thick or thicker than most grouse/woodmale-of-the-species habitat, so quick is good. The reason I say they are faster than a double is that you dont have as much weight out away from you. To me the center of gravity is closer in, which makes your point faster (in thick cover, you rarely get the luxury of a swing). Although they may be a wee bit shorter, that is secondary in my experience. Although I rarely use the 3rd or 4th shot on one bird (twice in the last 156 roosters according to my records), I have used it on a couple triples which are rare but fun.

Then there is the last reason I like to poke good natured fun at double owners....I aint no fancy pants. I dont eat quiche and i dont lift my pinky when drinking tea...actually i dont drink tea at all come to think of it. Umm, do you guys where skirts when hunting with those blunderbusters? confused

Now I done it, I am beyond ducking and will take cover..... crazy

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.