WOW I've got a Ton of reading to do yet to get caught up with you guys. Looks like ChickenBuck has a new roadtrip truck parked in the drive at some point in time. Nice rig Weezy!!!

Me I'm flat out beat, bout to fall asleep here as I type, been gone with kiddo on a snowgoose extravaganza. We've shot a few geese set and reset over 3000 decoys in the last few weeks many times. Party at the camp a few nights with guitar music and harmonics from a couple of guys, ate TBones,slept in the decoy trailer on comfy fullsize matress's dog in toe. My truck has drank a few gallons of gas,Kiddo has had some MountainDew and orange juice, I've drank gallons of coffee and some top of the line scotch and crown royal delux, the kerosene lanterns have drank about half a gallon of thier juice and the stove ate a few pieces of wood.

All in all twas alot of work and alot of FUN too. For now Hi from the wabo family and carry on ladies and gents, Good to see the fire still burning brightly at ChickenBuck....

Last edited by wabo; 03/01/09.