Originally Posted by tzone
Originally Posted by goalie
TZ, you had to drag him out yourself? I got one about that size body-wise (smaller rack) a few years ago and stopped at Cabela's on the way home to buy a game-cart. Shoulda done it years ago......

Really nice buck. It looks like exactly the same stuff we hunt in, which makes me more impressed.

I did.

I brought my Otter Sled and that helped a lot. I'm not sure a cart would have been much of a help on this deal. I do have one. A Gander Mountain version.

The sled helped a TON the first few hundred yards. Then there were a lot of stumps and the brush was too close together for the sled to fit through.

I've shot two deer that weighed more, but they were accessible by wheeler immediately.

With the law the way it is now, if I get stuck way back ever again with a really big deer, I am calling in my registration, then quartering and packing it out. I brought up a huge frame-pack this year just in case.

This year I had to go probably 30% further with the cart to get one of the deer out, but it was well worth it for my back. I also had the luxury of having my hunting partner head back and grab the cart while I dressed the deer and relaxed.....