I haven't heard mention of the most important of deeds. The "call of nature" is more than woods and critters. It's also fried 'taters and deer steak...from last night. Yep, the restroom requires special planning. Will it be indoors or out? It can turn into a real problem if not planned properly. We lost our 'camp' 3 years ago. After almost 30 years in the family. Our new camp is made up of campers. We've built an outhouse on skids, about 4'x4' with a full size door on front. You can change locations every year or two by dragging it 6 feet or so, fill in hole and dig a new one. Oh, and keep it down wind! Keep some lime handy. I didn't catch if you had running water or not, if so, a septic system will cure all your ills. But if you want the boys to fully appreciate the rugged life, an outhouse in 20 degree weather will get their attention.
Sounds like the beginning of a fine tradition, especially in a time when traditions are ridiculed and made light of. People take themselves way too serious these days. You have the perfect cure for this malaise. Losing a partner is tough indeed, especially one of that magnitude, but it sounds like your continuing in the direction that's best for all. You must continue to live for the living. I lost my brother in law last summer, also to a plane crash (crop duster) he was an indispensible part of our camp, a cornerstone, if you will. He is dearly missed, and last season was miserable at best, but we did manage to laugh and hunt, and even make good memories. He wasn't there...but he was with us. Life goes on and that's what you must teach the younger generation, loss is tragic but life must go on. I wish you and yours the best and find myself reinvigorated...to ensure that my kids fully understand what life's all about, without cellphones, Tv's, and video games.

Tim in AR

Thank God for Mississippi!