I have a vivid memory of building our deer shack complete with out house down in the great brush country of S. Texas. Yes, we elected to do the work on the house in mid-August. Temperture by noon would be 100 and by mid afternoon 110's were common. Was almost tolerable until we began the hot tar on the roof. Now we are talking heat stroke big time although we did manage to stay hydrated enough to avoid damage. Looking back it was a lot of fun.

"House" was a one room with three bunk beds w/storage below and whereever we could attach shelving. One corner was dedicated to cooking although most of the real cooking was done outside over a pit or in electric skillets under the "awning". Our "room" was 14X14 and we did run electricity off a generator as one cannot live in this country without a/c. The "room" had two small windows that were intentionally small to keep the "local wets" from turning our shelter into a playroom in our absence. Windows were broken out in any event at least five times over the past years.

We used sunbottles to warm water for showers which worked extremely well in this part of Texas. Our water was probably hotter than most internal hot water units. Many fine times and many memories have come over the years and so many have been embellished that one would hardly recognize the real event anymore had they not lived it.

Yeppers, great times were had by all and so many dead brain cells who is counting or can. smile smile