Wow, I can't believe I'm posting 2 times in 2 days, so not like me.
Wabo-I totally understand what you are saying about spending time with one's dad. I actually am getting over being mad, and turning more to being jealous. Simply reason dad told me he has emphazemia. Guess you can't smoke for 50 yrs and have it not affect you. So now I'm looking back at the time and I simply had a 'childhood' relationship with him. Got married at 19 and now its an occassional once a year visit. Tough because I've already started the regrets. He doesn't really ever call and ask for me to do things with him. One memory I will hold true to my heart is my senior year in high school when he and I went hunting, like we did for many years before that. But that was the year I got my 8 point buck in sleet and snow. He come running and blurted out " I was wondering when you were gonna shoot". Won't forget it, its like it happened yesterday.
From here forward, maybe I need to take the steps to build something w/dad, I need to call, I need to go home and plan things for us to do because I know before long he'll be gone.
But as far as Dave goes, I'm very happy he has his dad. I'm glad he has him and does these hunting trips, glad he spends time with him simply "bs-ing". Its a good thing.
So officially Dave is out of the doghouse...he just needs to nurse me back to health because I really do feel like crap! grin
Sorry all for the mush, but I had to explain somewhat. Now I'll be quiet for a couple months until I get forktoe and Dave has to put the pics on the thread. That will kill him I'm sure.

"I'm not crying!!"