good mornin all! I'm headed to bed soon, I've had 3 hours of sleep since tuesday 7pm. saw a bunch of deer again last night, one was taken by a 2001 international at appx 55mph.
and a good thing that happened last night was my boss agreed to let me hunt his place, its mostly flat fields with one meandering creek that holds a couple deer. no corn fields around for miles, but the deer have to travel that route from the river bottom to the nearest corn field. unfortunately there are 2 other groups who can hunt it and they drive it every so often when things get slow at their regular places. at least I can take Kendra out on opener and try to get her a first deer. she's been practicing with the lefty 243 savage I got her and does really well with it.

nice scope pic Missy, you'll like it I think. I had a nikon on a 223 once and I regret selling it. I thinkm I'm gonna switch to them as I phase out burris (bad customer service).

I like the new rifle Dave! when is the early doe season? is the gang pumped?

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.