TZone, That citori still lies somewhere in the bottom of the Mo. river.. That day there were chunks of ice the size of pickups coming down in the current we were dodgin with the boat and a 45 below windchill. If a guy tried to dive the bottom of the river without weights on he'd never make it the current is too strong. He cried bout it for years! Told him thats why ya take a beater scattergun duckhuntin,lol I've never gone out with ice coming down in a boat again either. Now I hunt the bank if its like that and make sure the ducks will land in nomore then 2 feet of water then...

Dave, I know the feeling,

I lost a highschool graduation gifted knife while turkey huntin one spring, we drove over the knife several times with tractors over 5 years. Went home one day and my Bro In Law from deercamp had been huntin behind my house at the time and found the knife, in the middle of a dirt road to get to the field. Still in almost perfect condition, just faded on one side. Great for frogleg choppin or splittin deer rib cages, was Happy to have it back. The Solution Spirit. You unlock once side and flip the handle and it becomes a hatchet. The Spirit came back to me that year too, I killed my biggest buck to date within a few days of gettin the knife back...

Had a Gerber multi tool I lost a few years back and I'm going to be getting another soon, still miss that. cry Forgot bout it till today when you guys mentioned lost knives, will remedy the problem soon. Thanks! wink grin