You know, it's getting to be a yearly thing now where I have to log onto to this 24 Hour Campfire place and check out this thread. I think it started a couple two or three years ago. Suddenly the weather starts changing, the leaves start turning color, you get that certain itch that can only be quelled by being out at camp. You're not quite at camp yet, but you can get a quick fix just by realizing that there's other people with that same need that you have. You may not know them, but you can definitely relate with them.

Just thought I'd jump in finally and say "Hey!" to you guys. A few more weeks and I'll be off to a little 16' x 24' shack on a forty in northeast Wisconsin. Sitting up in a tree holding a bow and hoping to see the brother of Ol' Forky Toes, but enjoying every minute just the same.

Good luck to all of you in your hunts coming up.