Yikes !! that ice stuff is bad stuff . Stay safe and watch yer balance folks . I spun my head yesterday to see if my dog went back to get her basketball ( like a pacifier to her ) on my driveway . Musta looked like a cartoon to my wife only a few feet away on the porch.
Feet above the hips , hand just went off to the side as gravity took over . I gave that ice a good head butt ( I don't think I phased it ) and I think my knee was the next blow inflicted to that dang ice.

Mrs 1894 just about passed out shocked
Between :

Holding back from laughing out loud at my spastic fall .
Ooow , look at that bump and the blood . Are you OK ?
My reply of , Hey I didn't break my glasses and I think I still have all of my teef.
Reassured , but still vigorously fighting back the rolling on the floor laughter , my loving wife said " Well at least you didn't hit / hurt my car laugh

The swelling is going down now, and my knee is better and I'm sure the dents will heal .
Anybody asks though , I'm telling them that "I'm not sure what happened , but I had a bad dream that I was out on a date with Tanya Harding "


�The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.� �Samuel Adams

"All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." --James Madison