Ryan, Congrats on the buck and the hunt with your Pops. It looks like he'll eat! Really a nice rack on him!

Fluffy, Congrats on the wolf! You got a rare trophy indeed. It sounds like the quota on the wolf kill has a chance of being filled by this coming weekend. I thought I heard 139 killed so far or something like that. That is more than I though would get shot, they're damn smart and crafty.

BM, congrats on the doe and taking your daughter out. I bet she'll tell all the kids at school! I'm taking my boy with me this coming weekend. I hope we can at least see one so he can get some excitement. Or I may have to resort to other stuff like building a campfire, cooking hotdogs, and breaking out a thermos of hot chocolate.

We can't do the fun stuff like grunt and rattle cuz I forgot all my stuff at Chickenbuck shocked Oh well, I guess it wouldn't be a trip to Chickenbuck if I didn't forget at least something...I always do. smile

Missy is right. Dave made a FINE batch of ribs and spare ribs. I think the crew ate 10 pounds of ribs in 15 minutes. We don't starve up there, thats for sure. He also made a great deer camp chili that we ate the heck out of yesterday.

It was fun had by all of us I think. 50 weeks to go and we'll all be back right here!!

Last edited by tzone; 11/12/12.

Camp is where you make it.