Oh man, Stan, the shivers just went up and down my spine. I hate them things! What flavor of snake?

Had a scare last weekend. Saturday night, Wyatt, my 3 year old son, wasnt feeling good and threw up a couple times while we were at a family BBQ. We decided he should go home, so I left with the twin boys and the wife and daughter (without a cell phone) went to another family function. In the backseat on the way home, Wyatt had a seizure. I was about 4 miles from the hospital, so I put the gas pedal to the wood and away we flew. Ford trucks are governed at 94. grin About 2 miles from the hospital, a state trooper pulled me over. As he got out, I told him I was on the line with 911 and my son was having a seizure. The ambulance got there and they figured it wasnt too serious. At the ER, they determined is was a fibrile seizure which is temperature induced and no big deal. In fact, the ER doc said if it happens again we dont need to even bring him in! It would happen to anyone in those conditions and there is no medical issues with it whatsoever. The combination of the hot, humid day, his sudden onset fever, and throwing up (mildly dehydrated) is what caused it. Pretty darn scary though. Oh, and the wife may just carry her cell phone a bit more!

For those of you with kids, make sure they stay cool and hydrated especially if they show signs of being sick. This happened really fast.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.