Thanks, nice of you to say I help make this a nice place. There are so many here, I just can't get over it. Campfire's full of really good people.

I just did some calling on trusses for the roof, looks like I'll be headed to Lowes this week after work one day.

We framed the north wall, but my cordless nailer ran out of juice before we could get it sheeted. I have a paslode framer/sheeter nailer that takes fuel cells to opperate. I ran empty & didn't have a spare with. We also had no loose sheeting nails along so we were kind of stuck. I think we can get the other 3 walls framed, sheeted & stood up before the weekend & Maybe we can be setting trusses Saturday & Sunday. I'll breathe easy once I get a roof over that floor system. I don't want it getting wet with the 3 layers & all, I don't know if it would ever dry out if I got water inbetween the layers of plywood & styrofoam.

Something clever here.