Regarding Obummercare. I read an article about MNSure, the Minnesota version the other day. It said that 406 had fully bought a plan. 406. Then there were some other numbers that were troubling. It said they anticipated 135,000 before the deadline to sign up with another 60,000 by the end of the year. So that makes 200,000 people. But.....BUT....It said there were 500,000 uninsured in MN. I thought that was what it was for, the currently uninsured? Noting that some of the 200,000 already have insurance, so less than 40% of the uninsured will now be insured. So all this expense, time and BS for less than 40%? That is mind boggling.

The boys and I got out duck hunting on the lake this morning. What a beautiful sunrise! Shot 1 beautiful drake woodie. Man was he pretty. You know you are living right when you drop him in 25 feet of water and he flops back in to knee deep water! Now off to shoot a rooster or two! It a beautiful day folks!

Sounds like a good hunt there Gopher. Not all hunts need to be measured by what is on the meat pole.

By the way, I got to go into TCF Stadium where the Gophers play football. Really nice. very impressed.

In that der spin class you take, do you sit in the front row or the back row? confused

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.