So, my brother-in-law and I went up to my lake place to take out the dock and boat lifts. Turns out he had the mumps. Work drew an antibody level, since I am old enough that I only had the original vaccine and no booster, and my level was 5.9 or so, when it needs to be > 20 for "presumptive immunity."

That means I can't work until after deer season due to contact with immunosuppressed patients, and, if I actually get the freaking mumps (my brother-in-law had been vaccinated, so who knows after a 3+ hour car ride each way?) I won't be driving up and hunting with the guy I have deer hunted with since the early 90's.

I may go up to my place on Big Pine by myself if I get the mumps and mask and glove when field dressing, but I need to look into that a little more to make sure it would be ok.

