Originally Posted by big drift
I can see this now in oh about 10 years,

Weezy will be the new Chick'n buck cruise director,

RWS will be in charge of stand engineering and trail busting,

PWM and Mini T, will grudgingly be following some instructions on camp chores while eyeing the tractor, ATV's, Ol'Browny etc.

Pam will play the peace maker when the boys dont follow the cruise directors instructions.

While Dave, T-Zone, and Ryan will be completeing the Uncle Dusty instructed secrets of nonsupervisory supervision of young bucks.

Buschy may be in hiding from the BATFE and whatever letters they add by then for his secret crapolade recipe.

Roosters still gonna be figgering out how his truck got stuck on the road.

Muffy will be heading game camera editing and merchandising.

CBF will finally be done with school and moving his way up the ladder of Chick'n buckery.

Uff da, that be a busy place der.

Not stuck. Just calmly waiting for da Ford's up ahead to get pulled out so I have access to the rest of the trail is all. Hope I brought enough "waiting fluid"!


The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...