NH K9, now there's another forum handle I haven't run across before. Thank you also for posting.

So you've got the semi auto sister to the 88 huh?

You know of course I'm on the other side looking for a 100 to go with my 88 while you are looking for an 88 to go with your 100 grin

that's the way it goes.

don't be afraid to tackle the stock project. I kept the sand paper away from mine, I used chemical stripper & a tooth brush to remove factory finish without damaging the press checkering. I used a red scotch brite pad to skid the stripping slime & finish off the smooth surfaces. just repetition & patience.

Good rinsing & lots of drying time afterwards. then I rubbed color in generously, in the past on other stocks I have always fallen shy on color because I have worried about over doing it.

Thanks Stan for saying i got the color right, i think it went ok.

I put on a coat of gun stock wax every now & then & buff it up. I like this finish so much better that the pale yellowish colored & varnish looking finish it had. this to me looks like the way it should have been.

Thanks for the kind words guys, K9, don't be a stranger either, please post again.


Something clever here.