Originally Posted by Stan_in_SC
On the occasion of this Thanksgiving day of 2014 I would like to convey the wish to everyone a Happy Thanksgiving day.
To those of you who will be hunting today and in the next few days please be safe and successful.
All who will be traveling I wish a safe and speedy trip.
I'm looking forward to stories and the obligatory pictures.
The amazing Mz. Linda and I will spend Thanksgiving day with her daughter and our son in law who are visiting from Chicago. All of the other kids and grandkids will be here Saturday which is our custom on Thanksgiving. What they don't eat ,turn over or tear up they will take home as usual. It's always a blast.
We will eat too much and watch too many games on TV.BUT.....we will be together as a family and that makes everything right.
God bless and keep you all.

Stan in SC

That sounds like a perfect day Stan. Special K and I had our folks out for dinner. Then later the kids came and we snacked on left overs and watched football. It was a real good day.

I hope all of you had a great day filled with lasting memories!

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...