Late breaking news.I was scheduled to go to the surgeon for first post op visit tomorrow.I got a call this morning that he's juggling schedule and could I come in today?Of course!I was there at 11:30.He came in and asked how I was feeling,looked at my chest and legs,listened to my heart,asked if I had any questions,told me I was healed enough to drive and told me to have a good life and dismissed me.WOW!I knew I was doing pretty good but usually driving is after six weeks.He said I seemed to heal really fast and was really pleased that I had been walking as much as I had.
Now I have 12 weeks of rehab at Heart Life and a visit with the respiratory doctor on July 30th.
Mebbe the old Energizer Bunny me is doing OK after all.
Just thought I'd share that with you all.


The more I listen,the more I hear....and vice versa.

45/70,it's almost a religion.

If you have to take a second shot then you probably shouldn't have taken the first shot.