Gotta make sure your beaver stays away from your Viagra clock. smile Got an otter and a muskrat coming soon.

This years wood pile is 1/2 burr oak and 1/2 birch. The pile behind is one year old - all burr oak. I like it two years old before I burn it. Seems best around then. When I lived in Waskish I always tried to get black ash. Mixed 50/50 with birch it seemed a lot like oak. Named ash for a reason though. Stove needed a lot of emptying.

The sled I'm shopping for is for kiddo. Really, I'd like to find a mid 90's long track, maybe 2000 miles for about $1500, maybe $2k for a nice one. 500 or better, liquid for the big bucks. 500 classic touring would be the bomb.



Wood is Good.