Good luck fitchin' Dave.....but that picture is missing something. I think a little Team Chickenbuck signage would enhance your luck a little.

So what kinda deer are you seeing on the trail cam? I have 10,000 pictures so far between the 3 we have out. 2,000 pictures are of waving grass. 7,500 pictures of does/fawns. and about 500 pictures of about 10 different bucks. Of the 10 bucks, 2 of them are really nice; 8 of them are 1.5 year olds. Where the 2.5 year olds are I have no idea confused. We saw about a dozen 1.5 year olds hunting last year and didnt shoot any.

I prolly have 30 pics of a big 8 pointer and 9 of a big 10 pointer. grin

Undoubtedly you are thinking 10,000 pictures? What the...? There is a bean field that overlaps our woods just a little. So all the deer enter the field within about a 100 yard width of woods. I have a camera on the best trail and that generates 500 pics per 2 weeks. Oh, and they are bursts of 3 pics so a camera has been tripped about 3300 times. then, in august, I put some apples in front of the cameras....that really did it! 2,000 to 3,000 pictures per week! shocked The apples have been gone for 3 weeks because I might want to bowhunt there and it is illegal to have them there within 2 weeks of hunting.

Yep, I said bowhunt. I bought a bow. been practicing and everything. but i cant go this weekend because my company has awarded me with a trip to Chicago on Sunday for my birthday. A work trip. yuck.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.