My bowhunting vacation has been interupted by a pesky 5 day stay in the hospital. I was treating lower back / leg pain (sciatic nerve) at the chiropractor for the last couple of weeks. It wasn't getting any better. Just worse. Last wednesday my leg hurt so bad I could hardly walk. I then noticed my right calf was swollen and hard so I went to the walk in clinic hoping to get some pain killers and muscle relaxer to take the edge off for my vacation that started on friday Nov. 01. The next thing you know I'm at the hospital getting an ultra-sound. Turns out I have a blood clot in my right leg that goes from mid thigh to my ankle. They then gave me a CT scan and found "significant" blood clots in my lungs.

They admitted me to the hospital and I've been laying flat on my back hooked up to Heparin IV's and heart monitors for the last 5 days. I just got released last night after they got the blood to a "therepeutic level". Man did they take blood out of me. 12 viles the first day and two viles every four hours for the whole time I was in there.

I have to go back this morning to pick up my prescriptions and make an appt. at the coumadin clinic where I will have to go quite frequently until they can get my pills regulated to my body type and diet.

It's a pesky interuption but its better than the alternative I guess. smile

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...