Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by CharlieFoxtrot

So I ask that you may join me to raise a glass tonight; (cheap stuff - my brother was a blackberry brandy or Busch guy) to my brother, my hunting pard, and my friend, Corey. Thanks.

I'm sorry I missed this until now Steve. If it's not to late and if it's alright with you, I'll raise a glass to Corey tonight.

Ha! It's never too late! My brother wasn't exactly known for his punctuality. grin His tardiness was usually due to a "quality nap" as he used to call them.

Thanks fellas. Loss is just the circle of life. We who continue on keep the good memories, deal with our new normal, and look forward to the next thing. I'm pretty sure those we've lost would want us to do it that way.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin