Sounds like Preacher is back in the game! Prolly some cute little girly in school he just had to see. I bet he offers her a bite of his puddin' drenched corn dog now and then.

I have a Marlin SS 880? 8-something I think. It is ok in the accuracy department is all. I was a little disappointed to be honest. I thought it should drill tacks, but it doesnt. I will need to get a kids .22 pretty soon. But if I get a regular colored one, I could re-issue it to the boys in a few years. That sounds like a good plan. Having 2 boys (twins), it is gonna get a mite expensive in the firearm department.

Have any of you bought lifetime hunting and/or fishing licenses for your kids? I bought Lauren the lifetime sportsmans one. Prolly will get that and the deer hunting on for the boys...again X2!

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.